Can You Play Pickleball On Grass?
Never let the child inside you ever die, it’s the beacon of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, and should be protected at all costs.
If the above statement seems vague, let me clarify the fact that we have all been there, where at some point in our lives, we decided to play our favorite sports in unconventional places just to have a tinker of fun with our buddies.
Let’s take pickleball for instance, it’s supposed to be played on hard concrete but I have seen plenty of my buddies ask me “Can you Play pickleball on grass?”.
Even though it’s a valid question in the minds of curious people, the thought of a ball landing on a patch of grass makes me shudder and cringe.
Here are a couple of reasons backing my claim.
Why Playing Pickleball in Grass Might Not Be A Bright Idea?
This article isn’t curated to judge individuals who want to have some fun with their loved ones while being on a budget since setting up a proper court on a designated concrete surface might be expensive and even take a while to complete.
It is rather curated to provide guidance and assistance while reducing hazards and possible hurdles you may face along the way which are mentioned below.
1. Abnormal Bounce Effect
This might not be a surprise since everyone knows that surfaces covered with grass are mushy and plump which compensates for any object hitting it, reducing the tactile effect enforced on it.
So in other words, if you were able to land a ball across the net, chances are it barely bounces off the surface.
Keep in mind a pickleball ball is made from plastic material with a holo-structure with multiple holes on its surface, this further reduces the chance of the ball being tactile enough to gain momentum even if it’s hit hard.
2. Trajectory Issues
Even if you do land it across the net successfully somehow, the chances of having a proper trajectory are near zero, in fact, you would have a hard time keeping the ball straight in line, which will probably take away the fun aspect of the game.
On the flip side, improper trajectory issues also pave the way for unfair means which implies that any player in the court with a better playing field would perform significantly better, since obviously your backyard or the place you would be playing the game would be uneven.
3. Slippery Grass
Grass has a tendency to absorb moisture from its surroundings especially if it’s early in the morning where it accumulates morning dew.
If you are playing on grass make sure you wear proper slippers or shoes, otherwise, you are simply welcoming an accident that could be prevented easily.
Obviously, slippery grass will also slow down your game since it ruins the Maneuverability aspect around the court.
4. Uneven & Rocky Surface
No matter how well you think you maintained your backyard or your “DIY” court in the park, chances are there are still hidden rocks and pebbles underneath the surface.
On the other hand, another form of artificial and natural debris particles is going to make the surface uneven which raises the chances of toppling and tumbling on the court to a great extent.
5. Bugs & Pest issue
You would often find fauna living amongst flora since it’s their natural habitat. Regardless of how well you keep the grass clean and free from pests, it is evident that some reptiles, bugs, and pests are going to be present hidden in the grass.
Henceforth, I would highly advise you to steer clear of using grassy areas as your personal pickleball court especially if the grass isn’t maintained for a longer duration of time.
How would I play Pickleball in Grass then?
Considering the fact of how hard it is to play any sports in the grass, let alone pickleball if you still do insist on playing on such terrain, make sure you follow the directions down below.
1. Trimming the Grass
This might sound like a huge headache but trust me it’s worth it in the long run especially if you mow your grass once a month.
Trimmed or mowed down grass provides ample support especially if it’s smoothed out to provide tactile feedback to the holo ball in pickleball.
Make sure every nook and cranny of the court is well trimmed so that the chances of pests hiding in tall grass are near zero.
This also ensures your grass or backyard remains healthy and you can step on it comfortably even if you aren’t wearing shoes.
2. Routine Maintenance
Be a responsible citizen take out the trash and clean every bit of the court as much as you can.
Public parks or places where human intrusion is inevitable, often get clogged up with bottles, cans, and other forms of plastic garbage.
Cleaning every once in a while will provide a safe place for everyone to enjoy the game.
3. Set Your Boundaries
It goes without saying that when setting up a court in the midst of a park or in your backyard, you must always set your boundaries.
Just because you have an unofficial “DIY” Pickleball court setup doesn’t mean you can play wherever you want.
Not only do you have to respect your surroundings but also make sure you play within the rules of the game.
Make sure the court has a proper outlining measuring 44×20 feet with a wide 7-foot kitchen zone (Non-volley zone).
Bottom line
In addition to all these workarounds and tips, make sure you wear proper footwear because, unlike traditional courts, these “DIY” courts made on grass tend to pose plenty of hazards and are often slippery especially when playing early in the morning when morning dew is imminent.
Try to mow the grass as much as possible as it will help you maintain and even achieve a similar experience as you would on a typical court.
That being said, thank you for stopping by, it’s been a pleasure curating articles like these, feel free to comment below if you have other queries in mind.