How I Teach Pickleball To Kids

How I Teach Pickleball To Kids?

Being a pickleball enthusiast, raising the next generation by teaching them the importance of culture and sports has always been my passion.

In my perspective not only does it help in their upbringing but also strengthens the core ideology of pickleball by keeping it alive for newer generations to enjoy such a gentleman’s game.

Subsequently, if you also happen to share similar rich views for the young ins but are wondering how can I teach Pickleball to my Kids, well fret not because this article might be your cornerstone for all the information you may need regarding this topic.

Teaching them a “thing or two” about this sport can positively impact their upbringing and if you ask my advice, “now” might be the best time to start this goodwill gesture.

A Succinct Guide On Teaching Pickleball To Kids

Here are some key points that you need to acknowledge when teaching your young ones pickleball.

1. Keep It Simple

When teaching your kids or introducing them to a new sport like pickleball, there is no doubt that the generational gap might be a huge hurdle. Henceforth, starting with the most basic format of sports education is the key to flattening the learning curve.

Take baby steps when teaching even the most basic principles of the game, and avoid jumping to advanced mechanics right away even if you feel like your child is a quick learner.

Kids tend to learn better through trial and error and repetition helps them build a reflex way better in the long run.

2. Introduce Friendly Environment 

Overlooking mistakes is the best way to introduce a kid-friendly environment, rushing them or scolding them unnecessarily will frustrate a young one to the point that he or she might lose interest eventually.

Let a child learn at their own pace and never use static schedules that will further put time-constrained hurdles that will limit their ability to learn and adapt completely.

On the other hand, evolving with a sport also allows them to develop new instincts as well as polish them which will drastically help in building their personality.

3. Use Basic Examples

Kids familiarize themselves better with a rule or mechanic of a sport when the instances used are much more straightforward and kept in a simple manner. 

Always use layman terms rather than formal ones, and even if they do find it harder to adapt to, use real-life scenarios that they use in everyday routine to help them become better accustomed to it.

4. Kid Friendly Equipment

Use colorful safety padding as well as smaller plastic paddles whenever playing on the court. Avoid using harder plastic balls as they might pose a potential hazard in the field.

Lighter plastic paddles will prevent fatiguing them even if they practice in the court for a longer duration of time.

5. Safety Countermeasures 

Keep a first aid kit at your disposal all the time, and never compromise on safety no matter how trivial it seems.

A small mishap or injury can put off your kid from the sport as they will eventually lose interest due to a lack of motivation afterward.

6. Introduce Positive Feedback

Speaking of motivation, always appreciate your kid no matter how slowly he or she adapts to the sport.

Not only positive feedback will help them build confidence but will also provide all the confidence they may need to become the better version of themselves.

Rather than scolding them which will eventually dishearten the kid, rectify their mistakes by introducing a reward-based system by assigning mini goals in each session while learning pickleball.

7. Patience is The Key

Teaching young ones can be a tedious task, even for a professional like me who has racked tons of experience in this sport, sometimes having to go through a rough experience whenever teaching kids the basic principles of pickleball.

These principles include rules, sportsmanship, serving as well as returning the ball, and how to Maneuver through the court.

All of these techniques require hours of practice throughout the week which can sometimes bring the best out of a person.

However, for children, you have to provide a lenient approach by utilizing a calmer strategy rather than scrutinizing them to eliminate a sense of discouragement.

Additional Tips For Teaching Kids Pickleball

In addition to that, try these drills to uptick the fun aspect of the sport.

1. Exercise Regular Drills

All of your efforts might go in vain if the knowledge you provide is simply on paper. Try to perform drills related to volleying and serving and shed light on the different zones of the court.

Try using various techniques and approaches by using freestyling methodologies so they can think out of the box.

Regular drills will also help them become much more proactive rather than being lethargic.

2. Promote Synergy

Introduce roles and companionship among partners. This will give kids a sense of responsibility and will help them bond together by introducing synergy. Remember,  in pickleball, the team that strives together stays together.

3. Evaluate & Assessment 

Make sure you stay vigilant and always keep an eye out for those kids who struggle to keep up with other kids on the court. 

Prevent toxicity by constantly monitoring each of them individually and promote healthy Competition amongst them by regularly taking exams.

Bottom Line

Kids mimic and replicate their elders’ traits, regardless of the fact they are negative or positive. Henceforth, it is highly important that you act accordingly whenever around them as juniors always look up to their mentors for positive reinforcement.

That being said, I hope this guide regarding ” Teaching Pickleball to Kids” has been helpful, feel free to let me know if you want to see more articles like these.

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